Your Photographer tour guide

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Photo Tours in Chicago

Chicago fall activities

There are many ways to spend you time while in Chicago.  Your time if valuable and how you spend it can really have an effect on your perception that you take home about the great city of Chicago.  My goal is to make sure you use your time wisely, experience the city in a way you would not normally do and most of all get the biggest return for your investment.  Chicago offers many tours but very few have the passion for the city and the combined expertise if Professional Photography AND Tour guide. Keep that in mind when you choose a tour.  The leaves are starting to change, if you have not been to Chicago in a while it just might be time to visit us.  Here are some more photos from my latest tour.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fall events in Chicago

Fall is coming!
This week is a perfect example of Chicago weather.  it was in the 90's at the beginning,  76 degrees at night even and we should end the work week with a  high of 35 degrees less than we started, 60 degrees for a High!   How do you plan for that?  Join me on a photo tour during the month of September and I will show you how Chicago looks as fall sets in. The boaters start to leave, the Canadian Geese start to arrive. it is like nature at its best!  :)

Please contact me with you arrival dates and I will do my best to fit you in.  Can't wait to see you!

Chicago fall events for visitors
The tress have not turned like this yet,  but you get the idea...